Buying a green home is the best thing one could do for the environment. Living in a sustainable building is good for people’s health and well-being, it gives us a feel-good vibe. We would have a feeling that we had done something beneficial to the mother earth.
The green buildings idea was initially about decreasing the environmental impact of buildings by enhancing factors such as energy efficiency and waste management. Recent researches have proved that green buildings give optimised environments that are beneficial for human health, through features such as natural lighting and healthier air quality. Here are some benefits of green buildings:
1. Low Maintenance and Operation Cost
Green homes construction features that assure effective use of resources such as water and energy. For example, by using task lighting strategy and a lot of daylight, green buildings vastly decrease the amount of energy used in lighting systems; This enables users to save as much as a third of their water and electricity bills. Given that working and maintenance costs can account for as much as 80% of the lifetime expenses of a building, reducing such costs significantly enhances the earnings of building owners who collect rent from their buildings.
2. Improves Indoor Environment Quality
Indoor environment quality depends on conditions inside a building and how they affect the residents of the building. Those conditions include lighting, ergonomics, thermal conditions and air quality. Healthy indoor environment quality is one that protects the health of the building’s occupants, decreases stress and increases their quality of life. Green buildings achieve this through the foundation of operable windows that permit in as much sunlight as possible and reduce the use of substances that may emit elements that are dangerous to the health.
3. Better Health
People who live in green buildings have various health benefits because of the safety of substances used in the construction of such buildings. For example, eco-friendly construction firms avoid using synthetic by-products that have been found to clear toxic materials. Poisonous substances like carcinogens not only cause breathing problems but also raise the chances of getting cancer.
4. Energy Efficiency
Planners of green buildings try as much as possible to decrease dependency on power from non-renewable sources such as coal. To this end, they install solar power panels to make use of energy from the sun, and place windows in a way that allows as much natural light as possible and, therefore, reduces the use of artificial light; these and other systems secure that the building efficiently uses energy.

The green project at Kottayam
Noel Villas and Apartments committed to building green homes that function as a complete system. Noel Villas and Apartments are the best green builders in kottayam. Their advanced building methods lead to energy savings, healthy living environments, money savings, and reduced environmental impact and carbon emissions.

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