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Showing posts from August, 2018

Fire Safety Tips for Apartments in Kochi

Living in apartments poses several challenges when dealing with a fire. Apartment dwellers in Kochi should know how to prevent fires, how to escape fires, and how to help keep fellow residents safe. Apartment fires can be dangerous because a fire started in one apartment can affect several others, yet apartment buildings are often constructed in a way to protect the tenants from fires. Many apartment buildings in Kochi also contain a fire alarm system that warns residents whenever it detects smoke or fire. If you live in an apartment building, make sure you review these fire safety tips so you know how to react if there is a fire. Here are some important tips to prevent and escape apartment fires: Install Safety Devices One of the first things a building manager should do is make sure each unit has the appropriate fire-safety devices. Fire alarms, for example, can alert sleeping renters that there is a fire in the building. This early warning could help prevent injuries an


Your electric bill can be a substantial part of your housing costs unless you take some reasonable steps to save energy. If your apartment uses electric heat, and you live up north, or if you live in the Sunbelt, the savings can really add up. Air conditioning, laundry, dishwashing, and artificial lighting can still cost a substantial amount of money each year. Most of these tips help you lower your bill for free! There are plenty of ways to save money on utility costs. And anyone can do some of these simple changes. Energy Efficient Blinds Homes that have lots of windows may also have a significant amount of energy lost. In this case, you might want to consider using energy efficient blinds. These blinds designed to trap warm air in your home in the winter and keep cold air out. You can also consider getting thermal curtains to make sure no heat is escaping from your home. The nice thing about thermal curtains is that they also help block out the sun in the summer and keep


There are so many benefits to the apartment living people who decide to go green. It helps to protect the environment and it also helps you to live a healthier lifestyle while saving money in the process. Doing your part to protect the environment once meant separating paper from plastic in your recycling bin and buying organic vegetables that you carried home in a reusable cover. But these days, there is a lot more you can do to create a green and healthy home. Some of the tips to go green in your apartment are as follows: 1. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. Light Bulbs such as halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs) use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescents and can last 3-25 times as long, saving you money and reducing your energy use. Check out this room-by-room guide to choosing energy-efficient light bulbs and learn how to recycle used light bulbs. 2. Those plastic grocery bags cause considera

Energy Efficient Housing Items - Green Building

Today, people are looking to find ways that they can be more energy efficient . The truth is, people want to do anything and everything they can to conserve energy because it is not only better for the environment but it also helps them to save some money in the long run. Energy efficient homes conserve energy, reduce unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and demand for non-renewable resources. They provide significant savings over conventional homes. Energy efficiency is not just for certain people, it is something that everyone can take a part in. The good news is that there are a few ways that you can make your home or apartment energy efficient with energy efficient strategies and products, without having to spend too much money out of pocket. Then, you can just enjoy the cost savings throughout the year, and also get a few tax breaks while you are at it. Here are a few things that you should try. High-Efficiency Water Heater Heating water req